One-Hour Response Guarantee
1 Hour Response Time Guarantee - what does that mean and how does it boost user experience?
If you’ve ever got any inquiries relating to the web hosting service in general or if you experience a problem with your websites, you’ll need to contact the respective web hosting company’s customer support team. It may not matter how swiftly they will reply when you've got a general enquiry, but an issue such as an ill-applied application update, for example, may result in your site becoming broken or unreachable on the World Wide Web. And the longer you have to wait for the support team to help you, the longer the site will be inoperational. If you offer goods or services online, any downtime will disruptively affect your site and you may lose current or prospective customers. Many hosting providers, chiefly resellers, respond to e-mails and tickets within twenty four hours, but in the Internet world that’s way too long, as customers will rarely go back to a website that’s not working properly over a prolonged period of time.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
With a
semi-dedicated server package from us, you can take advantage of our hyper-fast support service. You’ll obtain a reply to any support ticket submitted through the web hosting Control Panel or email sent to our technical and client support team within the hour. The response time is guaranteed and it’s valid regardless of the matter – technical or billing. Often, it takes far less time to investigate and fix a problem. We will provide you with more info in case the solution involves something that should be done on your end. If you get in touch with us during national holidays or weekends, the response time will be the same and due to the fact that our support staff is available to you 24/7, you’ll get immediate help for virtually any billing, general or technical issue irrespective of the hour at which you contact us.